Historic Preservation Commission

The Mount Vernon Historic Preservation Commission was formed in 1985 for the purpose of promoting and protecting the City’s architectural heritage. The Commission’s responsibilities are creating historical and architectural awareness, designating historical districts around the community, and advising those who are rebuilding or adding on to their home.

The Commission has conducted seminars on such areas as house painting, porch restoration, and Mount Vernon history.

The Commission meets the first Saturday of every month at City Hall, 213 First Street NW at 8:30 a.m. for its regular meeting. The Commission also meets mid-month on a Wednesday at 7:00 pm during the months of March through November. There are no mid-month meetings December-February.  Meeting agendas and Minutes of the commission meetings are available at City Hall and on this website.

For additional information on Historic Preservation, visit the Commission’s website at:

Commission Members

The Commission consists of no more than twelve (12) persons, who are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council.  Commission members serve a three-year term.  Interested persons may submit an interest form using the link below.

Duane Eash

(Vice Chair)

Mary Evans (12/23)

Randy Brown (12/23)

Donald Moore (12/22)

Suzette Astley


Mike Guerber (12/22)

Wade Squiers (12/22)

Guy Booth (12/22)


Matt Ruff (11/22)

Sherry Brayton (11/22)

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Minutes