City Services
Garbage & Recycling
Garbage pickup is serviced by Republic Waste Services. You will receive totes to use for garbage and recycling.
On collection day, place your tote by the curb with the lid opening to the street. Everything must fit inside your tote — you cannot leave extra items on the curb. If you need to request a special pick up for things like bed frames or couches, contact Republic for pick up and they will let you know when to place your item to the curb. The charge will appear on your water bill.
To contact Republic Services: Republic Services Customer Service: (563) 332-0050 or City Hall: (319) 895-8742, Press Option #1
Garbage Collection Days
Garbage is collected every week:
- SE and NE pick up is on Tuesday
- SW pick up is on Wednesday
- NW pick up is on Friday
Mount Vernon also offers curbside recycling. We accept paper products, metal and aluminum cans, and plastics, with exceptions.
Items accepted for Recycling
- Newspaper, Magazines, Chipboard, Mixed paper, Cardboard
- Metal cans, Aluminum foil, and Pie plates
- Plastics with recycling numbers 1-5 and 7
Items NOT accepted for Recycling
- Waxed paper, paper towels, paper coffee cups, carbon paper, brown craft envelopes, wrapping and tissue paper, food and tobacco wrappers, refrigerated or frozen packages, disposable diapers
- Large metals
- Styrofoam, plastic bags, caps or lids without a recycling number, motor oil containers
- Batteries of any kind
- Glass of any kind (NOTE: Glass is NOT accepted in curbside recycling bins but you can bring clean glass jars and bottles to the Public Works site at 1655 Bryant Rd and place it in the large blue Republic glass recycling receptacle
The City of Mount Vernon provides water to residents as a public utility. Alliant Energy provides gas and electric to Mount Vernon. Cable is your choice and you will need to call a provider directly to set up service.
Water Service
Water is billed through the City of Mount Vernon. Bills are generally sent out the last business day of the month and are due on the 15th of the following month, unless that date falls on a weekend or holiday. (In that case, bills will be due the following business day.)
What do the abbreviations on my bill stand for?
WA = Water
This is the only thing taxed on your water bill if you are a resident. (Iowa’s WET tax imposes a 6% excise tax on the sale of water service.) Meters are read every month and the water usage is measured in cubic feet — not gallons. (There are approximately 7.5 gallons of water per cubic foot.) The minimum charged usage is 220 cubic feet, and the current minimum water bill is $47.37.
Previous and Current reads can be found on your water bill. Residential meters are read in tenths, so you must add a zero to those reads.
WET = Water Exemption Tax
This is the water exemption tax or reduced tax on water charges. Normally tax is at 7% but the water is charged to you at a 6% tax rate.
GB = Garbage
This fee is for garbage and recycling services, as well as other services provided by the city like snow plowing, leaf pick up, brush pick up, etc. If you have more than one residence, each will be charged a garbage fee.
SW = Sewer
This is based on your water usage. Even though it is charged at a lesser rate, it is calculated on the same used cubic feet as water.
ST = Storm Water Utility
This is a flat fee of $3.00 per resident for water runoff.
SS = Sewer Surcharge
This is a flat fee for anyone who uses City sewer services. It is one charge per residential unit. If you own or live in a duplex, you will see two charges on your bill.
TX = Tax
Water is the only thing taxed for residential water billing. Commercial is taxed on everything.
PB = Past Due Balance
If you did not pay or forgot to pay your previous month’s bill, this amount will be included on your current bill.
Yard Waste, Leaf & Brush
Yard Waste Pickup (weekly)
Yard waste consists of grass, leaves, garden waste and brush smaller than .5 inch in diameter.
- Curbside Pickup: Yard waste collection is available through a subscription. Subscribers will be provided with a 96-gallon container which will be serviced weekly April through November. All curbside yard waste must fit in the cart provided. Small twigs and brush clippings are considered yard waste.
- Drop-Off Site: Residents may also use the drop-off site located at 1655 Bryant Road SW (7:00 a.m. – dusk) for yard waste that is weed-free. The site is not for use by commercial haulers or contractors.
Brush Pickup (monthly)
Brush includes woody stalks and branches that are between one-half inch (.5″) and six inches (6”) in diameter. Brush may not be placed in garbage or yard waste bins.
Curbside: Brush pickup begins on the 4th Monday of the month, starting at 7:00 a.m. in the NW quadrant. Residents are allowed to leave three (3) stacks of brush for pickup per month. Stacks must be stacked neatly in front of your curb and no more than 4′ wide x 4′ tall x 4′ deep, with all branches less than 6″ in dia.
Drop-Off Site: Residents are welcome to use the City’s brush and yard waste drop-off area at 1655 Bryant Road SW (7:00 a.m. – dusk). The site is not for use by commercial haulers or contractors.
Leaf Pickup
Leaves are collected for two (2) weeks in the spring and seven (7) weeks in the fall, typically starting the first full week of October thru Thanksgiving. Check the City’s homepage announcements and social media outlets for up-to-date information. The leaf pickup schedule will also be published in the Mount Vernon Newsletter and Mt. Vernon-Lisbon Sun. Please note that adverse weather conditions may cause a delay in leaf pickup. We appreciate your patience when this occurs.
To be eligible for collection, leaves must be raked to the curb by Monday of the collection week and be free of sticks, debris and other obstructions.