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The Mount Vernon Housing Commission was organized to address current housing needs in the community. The housing commission represents a broad base of private and public interests with a priority to develop appropriate housing types for a wide range of income levels, ages and needs.

The commission — appointed by City Council and made up of qualified, local stakeholders — will act as a conduit for channeling local and external funding and other assistance to promote the private development of appropriate housing types. Other duties of the commission may include developing programs to assist with qualified home buyers and homeowners, both for rehabilitation or first-time purchasing. These programs should be designed to lower the costs of monthly payments, ultimately making housing more affordable. Funding for these projects and programs could come from federal and state grants along with the regional housing fund.

Commission Members

Chris Carlson

Denise Brannaman

Meridith Hoffman

Matthew Nelson

Lance Dickson

Deb Herrmann (Council Liason)

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Minutes