Police Citizen Complaint Form

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Police Citizen Complaint Form

The Mt. Vernon-Lisbon Police Department is committed to ensuring that our members meet the highest standards of professional conduct, and are responsive to the public they serve. We will conduct a thorough investigation of all complaints of misconduct against members of the Mt. Vernon-Lisbon Police Department.


The Police Department recognizes its responsibility to serve all the public to the best of its ability. To instill confidence in the community, the Department has developed this complaint form for citizens to express their complaints. Citizens with complaints about the Mt. VernonLisbon Police Department or individual officers are encouraged to file a complaint. Once a complaint is filed, the Mt. Vernon-Lisbon Police Department will conduct an objective investigation into the complaint.


The Mt. Vernon-Lisbon Police Department takes all complaints seriously. All complaints will be investigated fairly and thoroughly. Generally, an investigation into a complaint will be concluded ten (10) days following receipt of the complaint, however, in some cases the investigation may take longer. If through the investigation it is determined that criminal conduct has occurred, formal charges will be handled through the court system. Any public information that can be shared with the complainant will be shared at the conclusion of the investigation. Iowa Code Section 22.7 requires that any discipline imposed on public employees remain confidential, and therefore, any disciplinary action imposed on an employee as a result of a complaint will not be shared with any other parties, including the complainant.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 80F.1, all complaints against Police Officers determined to be a false report, shall be referred to the County Attorney’s Office.

If you prefer, you can manually print and fill out the form. Return your completed form to the Mount Vernon - Lisbon Police Department.